Sunday, October 31, 2021


 “…broad is the road that leads to destruction…and narrow in the road that leads to life.” (Matthew 7:13, 14)

Dear brothers and sisters,

God delivered the Israelites in the hands of Egyptians and on their journey to the Promised Land, through His servant Moses God said:

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life or death, blessings, and a curse. Now choose life, so that your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the Lord is your life...” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20).  

When God gave His laws to the Israelites He gave them a choice either to follow or to reject His words. It is also learned that the Greek, Roman, and Jewish writers often spoke of two ways; which is a choice between life and death.

Speaking to crowds, Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction… and narrow in the road that leads to life” (Matthew 7:13-14). Here again, Jesus explicitly stated that there are only two roads: one that leads to destruction and another to eternal life, and a choice was given for all of us to make!

READING-IV: learning objectives

-        Less fun, less fulfilled life, really?
-        The Alternative
-       We all follow something and someone
-        The Disciples’ Road
-        Cut your hand and pluck your eye

Less fun and less fulfilled life, REAlly?

If someone asks you, is Jesus worth Following? My guess is you will answer, YES! it sure is worth following Jesus.

Through Jesus, we have forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God, deliverance from evil, victory over sins, eternal life, peace, etc. We have countless reasons as to why it is worth following Jesus. It sure is worth following Him. And yet, one may wonder why many people reject or don’t seem to desire these precious gifts and blessings that come from following Jesus. And why do people opt for worldly things and sinful ways of life, such as corruption, sexual immorality, lies, greed, falsehood, alcohols, injustice, and the like that lead to destruction?

According to the Scripture, at the root of all problems in human life is sin. And Alas! Sin can be pleasurable, sin can be attractive, sin can momentarily meet the need of human corrupted appetites, sin can be fun, and sin can be addictive, and so on. We know how powerful and addictive sin can be, as such multitudes of people find it difficult to give up sinning and choose to go by the wide gate and the broad road.

It is sin that also distorts the sight of people to not see the glory of freedom from sin. And Satan who is the “father of all lies” (John 8:44) deceives and lies to people that the alternative to sin isn’t fun, isn’t real, and isn’t pleasant.

Let us be on our guard my brothers and sisters. Allow no one to deceive us into believing and thinking that following Jesus is less fun and less fulfilling.

The alternative: A Fullness of life

We now shall ask ourselves: Is the alternative to sin really fun and fulfilling? The answer is YES, absolutely! The alternative to sinning, which is following Jesus is not only fun and fulfilling but joy, peace, freedom from sin, contentment, meaningfulness, love, harmony, etc. There is the fullness of life in following Christ.

To experience the fullness of life we must come out of sin, we must put off our filthy clothes_ the sinful practices of any form and shape and color. Don’t look at others’ big sins and compare yours as smaller than someone else. The standard is not to compare with others. Christ is the standard and that is why the Scripture says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Measure up yourself with Christ. But the good news is that there is a solution to sins. The solution is a genuine confession, renouncing of sinful practices, and repentance (Change of mind- wrong and wicked thinking to good and right thinking, and turning to God).

Christ died for all human beings on earth, for the remission of all sin. As a result, there is freedom from sin, and in that freedom, there is fullness of life. God truly loves us.

We all follow something and someone

Whether we know it or not, the fact is that we all (every human) follow something and someone in our life and with our life. All humans are followers: some follow Jesus Christ; some follow Buddha; some follow Mohammad; some follow celebrities; some follow deceiving spirits; some follow life gurus or certain thinkers, etc. The fact that someone talks about his or her beliefs, dresses or lives in certain ways, or even thinks a certain way is a manifestation of whom he/she follows.

(Unfortunately) many diehard young people today, for example, dress like K-pop or rock stars and even trim and dye their hairs like them; this is the (outward) manifestation of what is stored in their mind and in their subconscious, as they follow K-pop stars or some rock stars (listen, admire, talk, watch, study, and learn about them, etc.). On the other hand, (fortunately) there are also young people who live a godly life, do good works, assist helpless people, work faithfully, are dedicated in their given job, dress modestly, do mission works, etc. This too is the (outward) manifestation of what is stored in their mind, subconscious, and in their spirits as they follow Jesus Christ (listen, read, study, admire, obey, and share the things of God and Christ). Their minds are renewed (see Romans 12:1-2), meaning, what they think (their minds) are not their own, but what Christ thinks (Christ’s mind). That is why Apostle Paul said, “… we have the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16), in other words, we think the way Christ thinks.

Let me repeat this again, everyone follows something and someone in their life and with their life. And what and who we follow will manifest in who we become, what we do, and why we do. It is extremely essential therefore to ask and examine ourselves what and who we follow.

Following Jesus is entering through the narrow gate; following Jesus is walking on the narrow road that leads to life. And following others, Buddha, Celebrities, or any life guru, etc. is entering through the wide gate, the broad road that leads to destruction. When Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me,” (John 14:6) Jesus is explicitly saying, there is only ONE WAY that leads to life and He is the WAY.

The disciples’ road

We all are travelers in this world as poets write, or as the Psalmist would say, “I am a stranger in on the earth” (Psalm 119:19).

Travelers travel different roads that lead us to various destinations. “All roads lead to Rome” is an idiom people use to convey a message that all paths or activities lead to the center of things, or that there are many different routes to the same goal. Likewise, (sadly) multitudes of people also believe there are many roads that will lead them to God (religious pluralists).

However, according to the Scripture, there are only two roads in life’s journey: A narrow road that leads to life, and a broad road that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). Following Jesus, as I mentioned earlier is entering the narrow gate and taking the narrow road.

The disciples’ road is the narrow road. It is a road that leads to life. It is a road of loving God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, and with our strength. It is a road of undivided loyalty to Christ alone. Remember, disciples owe no devotion to any other gods. And yes it is a road of loving our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mathew 22:37-39; Mark 12:30, 31).

Also, the road of disciples is exclusive and is found in Jesus alone. Let me restate this, Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. NO one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Similarly, the Apostles tell us, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved,” and “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Acts 4:12; Philippians 2:10). The disciples’ road is the road of faithfulness, love, devotion, obedience, holiness, and justice, etc. and the disciples’ road leads to life, eternal.

Keep this in mind: There are only two roads; one will take us to God, the other to a place of damnation.

cut your hands and Pluck your eye

Before we conclude our reading-IV, I think it is also good to look at the lethal alternative to following the disciples’ road, the broad road that leads to destruction, hell. Jesus knew what and how dreadful hell is, as such He told his follower, ‘if their hands and legs will cause them to sin and lead them to eternal hellfire, or if their eye causes them to sin, pluck it and throw for it is better to go heaven without eye or hand than to be in eternal fire’ (Matthew 5:30). I mention this to remind us how dreadful it is that the broad road will lead people into.

The Scripture is plain and simple with regards to this message. The Scripture tells us that those who believe and follow Christ enter through the narrow gate and walk the narrow road that leads to eternal life, and those that choose the broad road will be condemned to eternal fire.

With that, I will leave with you these questions as we make continue to ponder and choose the disciples’ road.

1.      Have I made my life journey’ decision?
2.      What are some of the areas in my life (things of the broad road) that I need to come out of?
3.      Shall I commit/recommit my life to faithfully follow Jesus and take the narrow road?


Prayer points:

1.      Prayer to follow the disciples’ road
2.      Pray that God will give you a discerning spirit to walk His ways
3.      Pray for the strength to walk the narrow road with faithfulness


Saturday, October 23, 2021


“Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14)

Dear friends,

In our DT reading-II, we learned that God’s call is based on His Grace, His Sovereignty, and His Foreknowledge. We also learn that God calls us all at a certain point in life and in various ways and situations. And so it is not uncommon to hear people sharing their testimonies declare, ‘God called me through sickness or during such and such tragic incident.’ We also hear testimonies like_ ‘God called me through my friends, or from a Youth Bible Camp,’ etc. Apostle Peter and his brother Andrew were called when they were fishing (Mathew 4:18-20). Recently, I heard a testimony of one of our own members (a former Muslim) who shared with us that 23 years ago he lived in the dark and indulged in all kinds of sinful practices. But God in His mercy called him through a Russian evangelist, who invited him to a church. Then gradually he responded to the call of God and surrendered his life to Christ. I believe by God’s grace today that brother is on fire for the Lord. He keeps sharing the Good News of Jesus to people everywhere, on the streets, and in the marketplaces. 

Reading-III: Learning objectives

-        The parable of the wedding feast
-        A few chosen
-        Disciples are chosen
-        The wedding garment
-        Many are called, but few are chosen


The parable of the wedding feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

The parable of the wedding feast is a teaching of Jesus on “the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus spoke this parable to the religious leaders (Pharisees) who were always trying to find his mistake and to accuse him. (A “parable” is a story from everyday life used to illustrate a moral or religious truth. It is the primary method Jesus used to teach about the Kingdom of God).

In the parable, Jesus compared (invitation to) the Kingdom of heaven as a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, sent out his servants to call/invite/summon those who were invited/called. But those who were called, none of them paid attention to the call by the king’s servants. They were busy with their jobs and earthly concerns, some of them even went to the extent of threatening and killing the king’s servants. The king was furious with those invited, sent his troops and destroyed those murderers (invited people who turns out to be unworthy), and sent out his servants to go out in the street and invite as many as they can (both good and bad people). So the wedding hall was filled with the guests/people on the street.

The king came in to look at the guests and found a man who had no wedding garment. The king then ordered his attendants to bind the hand and foot of the man with no wedding garment and throw him into the outer darkness. In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Hell).

Jesus concludes the parable by saying, “Many are called, but few are chosen.”

 A few chosen

 In our DT reading-II, we have learned that regardless of who and what people have done in the past or are doing at present, God in His Grace and Sovereignty calls/invites people to Himself, (to be citizens) into His Kingdom at a certain point in life. God calls people by sending his servants (e.g. teachers, pastors, evangelists, or even your friends,  etc.) like a king sent servants who went out into the roads and gathered all whom they found, both good and bad for his son’s wedding feast (Mathew 22:10). This truth was repeated by Apostle Paul, “How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:14) also, see Matthew 24:14_ everyone will get a chance to (a call) to hear the good news of the Kingdom of God..

However, not everyone who is called is chosen, nor everyone on the street that God’s servants invite/call is chosen as we learned in the parable. Not all the Jews (Israelites) whom God called are chosen, nor all the Gentiles whom God calls are chosen. Do you also remember that God delivered the Israelites in the hands of Egyptians but later destroyed many of them (all who were 20 years old or above), and only two men, Joshua and Caleb reached the Promise Land?  (See Number 32:10-13)

Who are the few chosen? And why did God choose them? A few chosen are those who humble themselves and respond to the calls of God (through/in various occasions and from the proclamation/preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom by the servants of God). A few chosen are those who heed the calls from the king’s servants and they went (took action/by faith responded to the call) to the wedding feast. A few chosen are those who wear wedding garments (We will later discuss what is wedding garments refer to). People are not chosen on the basis of their ethnicity or race (Jews or Gentiles), but because of God's Grace and Sovereignty- He chose those that humble themselves, accept and acknowledge His calls.

 Disciples are chosen

As we have learned in our DT reading-I, disciple simply means student, follower, or apprentice. We all know that during His earthly ministry Christ chose only twelve people to be His disciples. And of course, in a generic sense, everyone who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry was His disciples or his followers, but Jesus chose only 12 people, to train them so that they could go and make more disciples. The 12 disciples became Apostles (messengers, delegate, or sent one) and went to fulfill the great commission of Jesus, to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20; the book of Acts).  

What we are today, becoming disciples and making disciples of Jesus is a continuing work of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles. Yet, what is extremely important for us to realize is that not everyone who is called is chosen. And if someone is not chosen he or she cannot be a true disciple of Jesus. You might be attending churches or doing churches activities but if you are not chosen, you cannot be a disciple. Disciples are chosen.

Do you think that out of 43 souls/members that are doing RCFD discipleship-II are all true disciples of Jesus? Or chosen? Only God knows! But I also believe we are all called by God, or rather God is calling all of us, and so we all can become true disciples. We become disciples by humbling ourselves and responding to His call; we become disciples by faith and respond to God’s call (God use his servants to call/invite us into His Kingdom) and submit ourselves to Him; we become disciples by putting off our old clothes/filthy clothes (sins, sinful deeds, wickedness, corrupt ways, etc.) and put on a new clothe (a wedding garment). As such, God in His grace and sovereignty may choose us to become His own disciples, His students. 

I also hope some of you remember the Bible passage I shared in our DT WhatsApp group a few weeks ago. The passage is Psalm 25:9, “He (God) guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His ways.” Humility is the prerequisite in responding to the call of God.

Indeed God guides the humble and teaches them His ways.   

 The wedding garment

In the Bible garment/clothing is used both in literal/general and symbolic ways. Also, various types and colors signify different meanings, and certain types of people wore special clothing (e.g. priest clothing/garment, see Exodus 28). We also learn that clothing is used in symbolic ways for spiritual realities (see Revelation 3:17, 18; Revelation 16: 15; Revelation 19:7-8; Matthew 22:11-12). 

In the parable, a wedding garment is referring to the righteousness (innocence/justification) that is given to people (clothe people) because of the deeds of Jesus Christ on the Cross (cf. Romans 1:16, 17_ the righteousness of God). 

The man who did not wear a wedding garment (but wore his own garment) at the wedding feast was not chosen though he was also called/invited/summoned. His hand and foot were binds and he was thrown into the outer darkness. Why? Because he did not come by faith when he was called by the king’s servants; he did not put off his old filthy clothe which is his sins, wicked deeds, and corrupted life of the street. He was not wearing a wedding garment (Christ’s righteousness) that Jesus offers freely to everyone who comes to Him. He came with his own self-righteousness and hence he was not justified.

As sinners, no one is able to clothe themselves to stand clean in God’s presence as Joshua the high priest discovered, “Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, “Take off your filthy clothes.” Then he said to Joshua, “See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put fine garments on you.” (Zechariah 3:3).

 Many are called, but few are chosen

My brothers and sisters, I hope and pray this message is clear to you now. Yes, God has called every one of us (calling everyone), but are we all chosen?

We are all called/ invited into the Kingdom of God and so we need to humble ourselves and respond by faith. We need to put off our flighty clothe/garment, which is our sins, our wicked deeds, and corrupt ways, and we need to put on a wedding garment that God so freely gives to everyone who comes to Him. The wedding garment is the righteousness (justification/ innocence (declared as not guilty) given to us through the works of Jesus on the Cross. God chooses people who humble themselves and by faith accept/receive/believe in Jesus, His words, and His works, and they are given His righteousness (we are justified, we are counted righteous, innocent, not guilty), only then we can take part in the feast of a royal wedding; only then we can enter the kingdom of God and be the citizens.

But sadly as Jesus concludes the parable, “Many are called but few are chosen”. Have we humbly responded to God’s call yet? Have we by faith accepted the Good News of the kingdom of God? And do you also remember the narrow and wide gates? The Bible tells us that many enter through the wide gate that leads to destruction, but few go through the narrow gate that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14). Let us enter the narrow gate that leads to life.

May God help us all to understand this message and may we all heed the call of God today.

“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the Churches” (Revelation 2:29; 3:6, 13, 22)

 Prayer points:

1.     Pray that God may open your mind to know and understand the scripture (Matthew

2.     Pray for the forgiveness of sins (confess/repent/change of mind). By faith in Jesus' name put off/renounce your old flighty clothes_ sins, wicked deeds, corrupt ways, etc.

3.     Prayer of commitment and response to God’s calling. Put on a wedding garment_ the righteousness that comes through Christ. By faith accept/receive Christ, His words, His works on the Cross.  

4.     Prayer of thanksgiving to God for choosing you as His disciple by His grace and sovereignty.

5.     Pray that you will humble yourselves and continue to learn God’s Word, His Ways, and follow His Will.